Saturday, 27 July 2024


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Quick Tips for Testing Microservices Architecture

Microservices provide unprecedented benefits within a software development environment. It primarily aids in breaking major monolithic applications into tiny codes & functionality blocks. Further, collectively the several microservices construct a business application, .. Read more..

Monday, 15 Jun 2020

Quick Tips for Successful Enterprise Data Management (EDM)

As per recent research conducted an amount of data being managed by businesses is mounting at an average rate of approximately 40 per cent a year. Moreover, along with the rising data that is being handled by the company, there has been a huge expansion in terms of type.. Read more..

Tuesday, 09 Jun 2020

Quick Tips for Reshaping the Future of Food Industry

A lot of concerns surrounding food industry since years is now seeking attention due to COVID-19 and urging the society to define the new future of food. In days ahead players across the food value chain industry including suppliers, retailers, farmers, restaurants or e.. Read more..

Monday, 08 Jun 2020

Don't Forget These while Planning AI Projects

Integrating Artificial Intelligence in the systems is not easy neither a cheap task. It is essential to recognize the significant expenses and be prepared for the many unforeseen costs. But AI is also the technology of ‘the now’ and its deployment cannot be delayed... Read more..

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Quick Tips to Jump-Start with eLearning Business

With the coronavirus lockdown and everyone staying at home is the best time to start or boost the existing eLearning business. Below are a few highlights for supportive tip-offs that might aid a person in Jump Start with an eLearning Business.Organizing an eLearning blo.. Read more..

Monday, 27 Apr 2020

Quick Tips for Establishing an Efficient Smart Dairy Farming

Global milk production has augmented by an average of 2 percent on a yearly basis in 25 years and is expected to rise by more than 10 times in upcoming years. On the other hand, the dairy farming industry is left with a hand full of farmers actually practicing it, as ot.. Read more..

Monday, 20 Apr 2020
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