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Friday, 29 May 2020 12:00 pm

Neutrinovoltaics Produce Energy Even When Photovoltaics Fail

The sun produces many different kinds of energy. Visible light only constitutes a tiny fraction of the radiation that the sun and other stars produce, and neutrinos are one of the types of invisible energies that emanate from our local star.


Combined with the non-visible spectrums that come from other stars, ethereal particles like Neutrinos bombard us from all directions throughout every moment of the day. Neutrino Energy Group scientists are convinced that Neutrinovoltaic could make up for some of the limitations of photovoltaic-energy generation.

The Limitations of Solar Cell Technology

Photovoltaic cells operate at peak efficiency when they are exposed to direct sunlight. While solar panels will still produce energy on even the cloudiest days, the amount of electricity photovoltaics can produce under cloud cover is significantly less than what they can produce on sunny days.

As a result, solar panels offer peak energy efficiency during the summer months, and the output they can provide goes down substantially during the winter. In many areas of the world, winter poses another challenge that almost entirely incapacitates solar arrays. While solar panels can operate under cloud cover, they cannot generate any energy at all when covered by snow.

During times of low efficiency, owners and operators of solar arrays must store excess energy in batteries. Even the most advanced batteries lose efficiency over time, however, and both the production and disposal of high-capacity batteries generate significant environmental hazards. Furthermore, solar batteries are very expensive, which adds to the already high cost of switching to sustainable forms of energy.

Neutrino Power Is Limitless

Neutrinovoltaic devices such as those proposed by the Neutrino Energy Group do not suffer from the same issues that plague solar energy technologies. Since neutrinos pass through almost every known material, for instance, neutrinovoltaic cells do not need to be exposed to sunlight to operate. They can be placed indoors, underground, or even underwater.

Since it is easy to shelter neutrinovoltaic devices while they generate energy, this technology is also uninhibited by snow and other adverse weather conditions. Even when daylight hours are substantially reduced, neutrinovoltaic cells continue to generate the same amount of energy since they are not dependent on visible light.

Neha Pandey

Aware of her elements, Neha writes the best articles across industries including electronics & semiconductors, automotive & transportation and food & beverages. Being from the finance background she has the ability to understand the dynamics of every industry and analyze the news updates to form insightful articles. Neha is an energetic person interested in music, travel, and entertainment. Since past 5 years, she written extensively on sectors like technology, finance and healthcare.

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